Motivation comes from within.
We’re here to help you activate it.
Our intuition is a powerful thing. It speaks in a quiet voice and many of us aren’t tapping into the knowledge it brings. Therapy can help you harness the power of your own intuition and use it to become more magnetic and draw more positive people, situations and opportunities into your life!
Do you ever feel like you lack the tools needed to be successful in relationships? Is your passion not lining up with your career path or is childhood trauma holding you back? Let’s develop some tools and strategies for you to be successful in areas of your life that may have been blocked by negative beliefs.
We are constantly striving for balance in our lives. There is always going to be one more email or phone call wanting your attention. How do you show up whole in your full power? What does your balanced self look like? Take a deep breath and allow us to gently guide you to your authentic powerful self.
Executive Coaching
Mind-Set Coaching
Wellness Retreats
Membership Subscription (Soon)
“If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.”
Audre Lorde
“Diane makes you feel like you have a co-laborer and are not in this journey alone. I cannot recommend her services highly enough.”
“At the end of just one session with her I knew there was a ray of hope. What Diane excels at is helping you create a supportive and realistic plan that will push you forward into healing.”
“I’ve recommended Diane to many of my friends who are suffering silently but don’t need to. It is life changing to have met her and I can’t wait to continue the breakthroughs.”
Diane M. Jones is a certified law of attraction practitioner with over 25 years of professional practice in the field of mental health. She holds a masters degree from Fordham university